It all Begins with You

You did not land here by accident, there are no coincidences. Maybe you have never cycled more than 5 miles or maybe you are a pro who does a metric century every weekend; whoever you are at the Ride 4 the Animals Event we all become one. Excitement fills the air when we set out on the road, knowing we are making a difference. This may be the year to test yourself and go the extra miles. We can’t do this alone~ and we appreciate each and every one of you. Trust yourself and be a part of something great.

Registration is now re-opened.

We regret to inform you that the 2024 Ride 4 the Animals is Cancelled- pending rescheduling.  The impact of the Hurricane on our community has been overwhelming.  As the clean up efforts continue, the county cancelled our use of Highlander Park, the roads are still being cleared of sand and debris and many are still without power.  We appreciate your support for the Shelter and we need it now more than ever.  We will be back next year and we will let you know when we are able to reschedule the event.


Sign up today for the ride Saturday, November 15, 2025.  

Event will begin at Highlander Park and end at the Park with the Suncoast Animal League Dogtoberfest Event.

There will be well stocked Rest stops and a SAG driver along the route.  After the ride stay and enjoy Dogtoberfest starting at 11am